The Importance of Forgetting Past Mistakes

We’ve all been there – lying awake at night, replaying past mistakes over and over again in our minds. Instead of our brains shutting off, it reminds us of something we said, a decision we regret, or an opportunity we missed. This cycle of regret and self-criticism can prevent us from moving forward and fully

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Manscaping Made Simple

Ready to go hairless down there? Yes, down there. I know we don’t like to discuss these things out in the open, but maybe we should. I’m not one to do much manscaping nor do it very often. So I’m always looking for an easy method to get it over with quickly. Lucky me I

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What is an Ambivert?

Recently, someone shared with me that they consider themselves to be an ambivert. Being an introvert, I was quite familiar with introverts and extroverts had never heard about ambiverts. So what is an ambivert? Without getting too technical, ambivert is what happens when an extrovert and have a baby, and that baby is just like

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